How to Fade Acne Scars Naturally

Once you have your skin clear from embarrassing acne, you are on to the final round of clear skin: Fading Acne Scars!

Fading acne scars naturally can be be done using two methods. Just remember, if one aggravates your skin, stop and try the second method.

The Oils Method

  • Using 100% Olive Oil and Vitamin E oil at different times during the day you can improve the severity of your acne scars. Rub the oils into your affected areas at different times during the day after washing your face with a mild soap. Allow the oils to absorb into your skin for a few minutes before wiping it off.

The Lemon Juice Method

  • Using the juice of one lemon mix with a cup of water. Apply the solution to your face using a clean washcloth or cotton ball, pressing down on the scars for a few minutes.

It can take a few weeks to see results.