Hormonal Acne Treatment for Men

With all the new birth control pills out on the market boasting about promoting clearer skin - it's enough to make a man jealous. It's been accepted that hormones affect acne sufferers, but men are finding that hormonal acne treatment options are few and far between.

Because hormones affect acne, hormonal imbalances can trigger acne flair ups in adults. Men are hard less likely to seek out medical advice about hormone imbalance which can be the root cause of their acne problem. A man can also see the onset of severe acne as a symptom of a hormonal imbalance and should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Because very few hormonal acne treatments for men exist, it is essential for men to fight acne with a holistic mind set. Healing the body within can have lifelong effects on the clarity of their skin and overall health.

Simple Acne Treatments for Men

Start with the basics!

Before you run off to see your doctor, try a few simple home acne remedies to get some relief.

  • Watch your diet - avoid greasy foods, peanuts can trigger acne breakouts and drink plenty of water to flush out your system and keep your skin hydrated.

  • Stress can also effect your complexion - if you have a high stressed job or life make time for exercise to blow off steam! Even video games are good for decompressing from stressful situations.

  • Don't forget the exercise, getting out and moving your body and sweating a bit can do wonders for your complexion.

If you are doing all of these things and your acne is not clearing up then that might be a warning sign for a male hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Solutions to Male Acne

Is there another problem?

You have tried all of the acne home treatments with no results or you have gone most of your life without acne breakouts and suddenly you have more breakouts on your face. That is an internal alarm from your body telling you something is not right. Men are lucky to have a pretty even hormone balance throughout most of their lives, not like women who ride a monthly roller-coaster of hormones. So when sudden changes in your body happen, like unset of mild to severe acne, that should be a cause for alarm. Male hormonal imbalances are often early indicators of an underlying issue.

Natural Hormonal Acne Treatments

Try these first . . . before visiting your doctor

If you are trying to solve your acne problems just by applying things to your face, then you are only fighting 1/2 the battle. The true solution to your acne problems is to correct the internal workings of your body.

By fixing the internal body processes, it can help regulate male hormones. Once your male hormones are regulated, then your acne problems should disappear.